

Nashville Philatelic Society, Inc.


Regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month at the Bavarian Bierhaus.  It is located at 121 Opry Mills Drive at Opry Mills Mall.  We get together to trade and talk at 5:30 pm, hold our business meeting at 6:30 pm, start our program at 6:45 pm and wrap-up at 8:00 pm. All are welcome!!!


Our stamp club meetings are held at the Bavarian Bierhaus (121 Opry Mills Dr, Nashville, TN 37214) at Opry Mills Mall.


NOTE 1: Annual dues are due - $10.00. Please pay at our meetings or send it to Nashville Philatelic Society, P.O. Box 60531, Nashville, TN 37206.

NOTE 2: Please visit our NPS Website -


Monday, FEBRUARY 10 – “Counterfeit, Faked, and Forged Stamps– Members please bring lots for the auction.


Monday, FEBRUARY 24 – Auction Night




Brentwood Philatelic Society


Regular meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Southminster Presbyterian Church.  It is located at 643 Harding Place Nashville, TN 37211. Please come around back. We meet to trade at 6:30 pm, hold a business meeting at 7 pm, start our program at 7:20 pm and wrap-up by 8:00 pm. All are welcome!  


NOTE:  Dues are due – $12/yr. – please pay Peggy Reilly at our meetings.


Tuesday, FEBRUARY 18 – “Counterfeit, Faked, and Forged Stamps”




Murfreesboro Stamp Club


Meetings the third Sunday of each month.  Email me for location at Meet and trade from 4 pm to 6 pm. All are welcome!!!  


Sunday, FEBRUARY 16




Sumner County Stamp Club


Meetings the second Tuesday each month at the Cafe 393 on Main, 393 E Main St #6b, Hendersonville at 9 a.m. This is a breakfast meeting. We will no longer have circuit books, only chat and eat. Everyone welcome. For more information, contact Forrest Wise at 615-822-3137.


Tuesday, FEBRUARY 11




Clarksville Stamp Club


Meets the third Saturday each month at the Clarksville Montgomery County Library, 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville, TN at 12:00 noon. Members & guests welcomed. For more information, please contact Al Bollmeier at


Saturday, FEBRUARY 15



NOTE:  Inclement Weather Practice – If the county schools where your meeting is held are closed, the club meeting for that day will usually be cancelled. Safe road conditions are the major consideration.